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FloraMax Cloner

Best cloning gel for cuttingsCloning gel for cuttings 

FloraMax Cloner is a protective stem dip for treating cuttings prior to planting.

  • 100% organic formulation.
  • Its specialized gel formulation provides a protective coating on the cut-end.  This helps seal the cut and prevent air bubbles from entering the stem tissue.  NOTE, FloraMax Cloner is a much thinner gel than competing brands.  This design feature allows for a higher rate of absorption into the cutting and provides faster results than thicker formulations.  
  • Has an indefinite shelf-life and is resistant to drying-out.
  • Has high resistance to cross contamination and does not go rank in the bottle.  
  • Available in 60ml and 250ml
  • Dosage:  Predip cuttings prior to planting.
  • CAUTION: Organic additive – NEVER use in conjunction with chlorines or peroxides.

FloraMax-Cloner-explosive-root-growth-in-cuttingsBackground:  Healthy cuttings and seedlings are essential if you eventually want large and flavorsome yields. You need to protect your investment during these early growth stages.  Cloner’s unique organic composition is highly stable and more readily adsorbed onto plant tissue so that the cutting is preserved throughout the pre-rooting period.

“Purified extracted organics” explained
The chemists at FloraMax have been able to deconstruct popular organic ingredients such as kelp, fulvic acid and guano then isolate specific ‘beneficial’ organic molecules. These are then incorporated into our additives in a purified and potent form. Importantly, this enables their concentrations to be optimized for maximum nutrient effect, with no negative side-effects. The result is a range of products that produce unique and tangible results without causing blocked drippers, pH fluctuation, build-up, foaming or odors.

Testimonials - “The strike rate of our cuttings is so much better with Cloner compared with other gels we have used...
“The strike rate of our cuttings is so much better with Cloner compared with other gels we have used over the years”

“We now have far less problems with disease… Our growers are now much more confident with doing clones now that we have FloraMax Cloner and the Clone Spray”

“The Cloner is 100% stable in the bottle. Other brands go hard and rank after been used”

What is a cutting (or clone)?

Cuttings or “clones” are a popular method of propagating plants. A cutting is a plant part removed from a ‘donor’ or ‘mother’ plant that will develop roots and shoots when placed in a growing medium under favourable conditions.

In comparison to propagation via seed, cuttings offer some lucrative benefits:

-1- For many species, cuttings reach the vegetative stage faster than seedlings. Further, cuttings taken from the most recent growth will produce plants that take less time to reach biological maturity than cuttings taken from older growth. Commercial fruit growers use cuttings to minimise the lengthy non-fruiting phase associated with seed propagated plants. When artificial lighting is used, cuttings can be switched to flowering sooner by changing to the “redder” light spectrum of a HPS lamp. This is beneficial because the crop cycle is faster.

-2- Cuttings produce a plant having the same general genetic characteristics as the donor plant. For example, the same appearance, size and yield. The result with seeds can be more uncertain.

Stem cuttings

The most appropriate cutting material will vary between plant species. However, most species can be propagated using ‘stem cuttings’. A stem cutting incorporates stems, leaves and buds (Fig 17.2). Roots grow from the basal wood (Fig 17.1) and shoots grow from the buds.

For more see page 72 of the FloraMax Hydroponics Manual or see our article on Supercharged cuttings.
