How to CURE root browning and other root zone problems?
Best start by doing a system flush: Once the nutrient reservoir is empty, do as much manual cleaning as possible then fill the reservoir with clean water and add Pythoff PLUS at 0.5ml/L. Adjust pH to between 5.0 and 7.0 then aim to flush for at least 1 hour. Ensure to run the nutrient pump regularly to improve the flushing of roots and hardware surfaces. If the threat level is high, dump the initial flush water after about 1 hour then repeat the flush procedure. This process can be repeated every few days if problems are persisting.
After flushing, make a fresh batch of nutrient solution, however ensure to add Pythoff PLUS to the water at 0.5ml/L prior to adding nutrient and additives. For recirculating systems, re-dose the existing nutrient solution *every 1-2 days* – NOTE, weekly dosing is unlikely to cure root browning. For run-to-waste systems, re-dose every 3-4 days. NOTE, when redosing *existing* nutrient solutions, ensure to predilute the Pythoff PLUS dose at least 50-fold (see FAQ on this) with raw water before adding to the reservoir.
How to PREVENT root browning and other root zone problems?
STEP 1. Employ Pythoff PLUS in the “weekly” system flush: Once the nutrient reservoir has been drained fully, do as much manual cleaning as possible, then fill reservoir with clean water and add Pythoff PLUS at 0.5ml/L. Adjust pH to between 5.0 and 7.0 then aim to flush for at least 1 hour. Ensure to run the nutrient pump regularly to improve the flushing of roots and hardware surfaces.
STEP 2. Employ Pythoff PLUS in the nutrient solution: After flushing, make a fresh batch of nutrient solution, however ensure to add Pythoff PLUS to the water at 0.5ml/L prior to adding nutrient and additives. As a general rule, the working nutrient should then be re-dosed after 7-days, however, for best results (!) ensure to predilute the Pythoff PLUS dose at least 50-fold with raw water before adding to the reservoir. Obviously for shorter batch durations, as often used in run-to-waste systems, it will only be necessary to dose once (when the nutrient is made).
If fanatical about using beneficial bacteria or myco’s then do NOT use Pythoff PLUS in the nutrient solution, use System Maintenance instead (1ml/L). However, if root browning problems do occur then the best course of action is to cease use of beneficial bacteria/myco’s and employ Pythoff PLUS instead. Based on our experience, most bacteria/myco users follow this path and stay with Pythoff PLUS.
50-fold dilution of Pythoff PLUS?
This means add 50ml of plain water for EVERY 1ml of Pythoff PLUS. For example, for a 100L reservoir, a 50ml Pythoff PLUS dose (0.5ml/L) needs to be diluted with 2,500ml of water (math: 50ml dose x 50-fold dilution). This dilution instruction is necessary to obtain optimum performance from Pythoff PLUS. However, obviously this adds dilution water to the nutrient solution (will lower EC by about 0.05mS – relatively insignificant), and may be untenable especially for large commercial systems. If this is the case, aim to dilute at least 20-fold. Also, aggressively stir the nutrient when adding the Pythoff PLUS/water mixture. Never add undiluted Pythoff PLUS to existing nutrient. Although this will not harm the plants, it will negatively impact product performance.
How to use Pythoff PLUS with auto-dosers?
Add Pythoff PLUS to a dedicated, stock reservoir at 50ml/L in clean water. Cover the reservoir to prevent ALL light ingress (important!). Replenish this solution monthly. Set Doser to 1.0%. Do NOT over-dose i.e. ensure the doser is accurate, reliable and capable of handling the solution. Note, EPDM seals are ideal; Viton is usually suitable.
Optimum dose rate for Pythoff PLUS?
The optimum dose rate depends on the condition of the nutrient system. The regular dose rates are optimum for relatively clean/uncontaminated systems. If the system is very dirty, it may be viable to increase the dose rate by 50-100%. Be aware that over-dosing with Pythoff PLUS will generally cause visible root burning, however, roots will normally recover quickly once dosing is reduced or ceased. NOTE, for sensitive plants such as lettuce, the regular rate may be too high and as such, the regular rate may need to be halved.
When to dose working nutrient solutions with Pythoff PLUS?
Dose when the nutrient batch is first made and always add Pythoff PLUS before any nutrient or additives are added – VERY IMPORTANT. As a general rule, the working nutrient should then be re-dosed after 7-days, however, for best results (!) ensure to predilute the Pythoff PLUS dose at least 50-fold with raw water before adding to the reservoir. Obviously for shorter batch durations, as often used in run-to-waste systems, it will only be necessary to dose once (when the nutrient is made).
Dirty or contaminated system should be re-dosed more regularly: For recirculating systems, re-dose the nutrient solution every 1-2 days; For run-to-waste systems, re-dose every 3-4 days. Ensure to predilute the Pythoff PLUS dose at least 50-fold with raw water before adding to the reservoir.
FloraMax Pythoff PLUS or FloraMax System Maintenance – which is best?
Pythoff PLUS is much more powerful than System Maintenance and is therefore the recommended “preventative” measure for hydroponic systems. However, unlike System Maintenance, it is NOT compatible with beneficial bacteria. Therefore, if you deem beneficials as being critical (?), then it will be necessary to use System Maintenance for maintaining the condition of working nutrient solutions. However, note, we definitely recommend using Pythoff PLUS for all other applications i.e. treating both ‘flush’ water and ‘stored’ water, and post-harvest system clean-up.
How does Pythoff PLUS compare with competing products?
- Pythoff PLUS contains a de-scaler which prevents and removes the calcium scale that causes blocked drippers e.g. calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate.
- Very gentle on roots.
- Is far more stable in solution and therefore active for much longer – approx. 7-days.
- Pythoff PLUS is “standardized” to a specific concentration and has a shelf-stability of 10 yrs plus – competing products are generally highly unstable and yield an untrustworthy dosage! Having the correct dosage is critical – underdosing will provide nil benefit, and overdosing will harm root hairs.
- Pythoff PLUS is fully compatible with all of the FloraMax organic additives.